…poverty, mental illness, or behaviour disorder. There are no pills to cure immaturity; there is no discipline to correct the problem. No amount of money can buy maturity. Acting mature…

not leaving the stump, not leaving Finley the Slug. “Not fair!!!” screamed a very wet, very muddy, seven-year-old. I could see that it really didn’t feel fair. The rationale of…

Happy New Year

‘Tis the season of beginnings, most obviously of a new cycle of time of course. This often comes with some attempts at fresh starts and renewed resolutions. I have a…

…can’t stop herself from approaching Riley’s memories, coloring them sad. Joy makes no room for Sadness. She tries to reason with Sadness. She focuses on Sadness’s behavior. She judges the…

…put a lot of effort into acting in a way that will get noticed by the teacher. But our brains are not all that great at multi-tasking. When children focus…

…BC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mSrc0GFpJw [ii] Ellis, B.J., Boyce, W. T. (2005). Biological sensitivity to context: Empirical explorations of an evolutionally-developmental theory. Development and Psychopathology. V. 17,(2), pp. 303-328. [iii] Same as above….

…The outhouse comparison is especially apt because we all know what type of mess awaits us when we don’t make regular trips to the outhouse . . . When we…

…when infractions have occurred, they must also communicate through words and deed that the relationship is still intact. If behaviour or conduct has come between us, we must find a…

…control over the wind. I think this is why I take comfort in the understanding that when the roots are deep, we need not fear the inevitable wind. It has…

forging new memories, while still remembering and honouring what has come before. Not an easy balance to hold. But an essential one. Now to find the perfect avocado … In…

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