…interventions, of which many were really not very effective. Over time, my thinking has changed, and I now base my interventions on an attachment-based developmental approach that is informed by…

…are thinking about the expression of frustration there are three broad categories of activities where it can “come out to play”: destructive activities, constructive activities and melancholy-inducing activities. It is…

…Dr. Neufeld reminds us that there are key factors that must be kept in mind: maturation, vulnerability, and attachment. The first factor, maturation, is a process and it is an

how I can provide a safe, deep attachment to help grow my children into resilient, soft-hearted, independent people. For me, it really comes down to parenting with confidence – believing…

…more important than cultivating their sense of home with us? This is infinitely more important emotionally and developmentally than figuring out how to turn our home into a school.  When…

…her feel uncomfortable and help her through it. I told her we were going to try wearing our pyjamas and if it didn’t work I would bring her clothes to…

…count on us and lean on us, it helps them relax and feel well nurtured. Lo and behold, they actually move to venture forth, trying things on their own. I…

Art journal sun

me expressing things with paint, crayons, and other art supplies that I had been too afraid (or intimated by) to ever use. And she had me expressing it in a…

…maturity where it is lacking is an exercise in futility. Our challenge is to create and provide the scripts that enable us to act mature when there may not be…

…to ground us, to preserve what is important to us as a family. In North American society, we have fewer and fewer cultural traditions to safeguard these times; we have…

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