…our children to depend on us in ways that make us irreplaceable. We need to be the ones to listen to their stories, to impart our values, and to teach…

…ferns. Sometimes lessons come from unusual places. This one comes from Aunt Ruth … In my world, this pandemic brought many changes – one of the more welcome ones was…

…these photos and short videos can be great discussion starters between parent and child. However, there are other features of these programmes that are of concern, even though on the…

…the conscious creation of structure and rules around the use of communication devices and peer interaction. Why would we allow children to use their devices at the dinner table where…

…or around us– but what happens inside of us as a result. And about who is, or isn’t, present with us in our pain.   This is the message of the recently…

…Neufeld’s Raising Children in a Digital World video material: Preserving Play in a Digital World. It is now available in a self-paced format through our virtual campus. For more information

…too. The hunger for connection is what should hold us together, but there are times we seem so intent on tearing these relationships apart. The vulnerable feelings that make us

…shared that singing and music are a playground for emotion. This makes me think of my middle daughter, who was very precocious and playful as a young one. Singing with…

…listen to music that moves us, or watch great films that bring us catharsis. We share stories that take us on journeys of emotion —sadness, joy, loss, pain, and hope—offering…

…idea on your own, he’ll help you. There is only, as they say in these videogames that he likes to play, levelling up. So far, you’ve risen to every occasion

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