…this disconnected state. As Gabor Maté says in the introduction to the film, “We have to work our way back to feeling, when we are ready.” I’m going to piggyback on…

…children in the dominant position and how can we start to make sense out of this? In order to make headway we need to go back to the beginning and

…excerpt on scripting is from Dr. Neufeld’s book Hold On To Your Kids. To script a child’s behavior is to provide the cues for what to do and how to do…

for expansiveness, for unhurried conversations, for thoughts and ideas and emotions to move, for playfulness to emerge.  We also honour time by stepping out of the distractions that pull us…

to being influenced by us and serves to create the ideal conditions for development. So what are you supposed to do when your young child refuses to get dressed, or

…loss; how it surrounds us, how ubiquitous it is. And how, despite its inevitability, there seems to be so little room, space and permission in our society to feel and

chick in hand

…night.” Fortunately for me, and for my kids, they were too smart for euphemisms and it wouldn’t pass muster. Fortunately for me — and for my kids — my own…

…relationship to be felt by my daughter as she enters this new school today. How I wish this for all the children who are going back to school this week!…

…needed, we have to tame yet another instinct, that of wanting to take away the pain. When our children (or spouse or friends) start to cry, as difficult as it…

yellow dandelions

or not). I found myself envious at times of their ability to enter into free play as I watched from a distance, for it seemed to come so easily to

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