Light flower

…about the various meanings of the word ‘nature,’ as only one of the meanings applies here. I am not speaking to the ‘nature’ that refers to the natural world –…

today is that we do not have cultural tradition to guide us. As Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki stated, it takes societies anywhere from 100 to 200 years to develop the…

…of not being able to control his world. We all do actually. It keeps us human. It helps us not only stay connected to our own inner world, but to…

…best. When we feel overwhelmed and lost, it is about who we look to that will help ground us, to center us, and to bring us back to ourselves. It…

…the conscious creation of structure and rules around the use of communication devices and peer interaction. Why would we allow children to use their devices at the dinner table where…

…or around us– but what happens inside of us as a result. And about who is, or isn’t, present with us in our pain.   This is the message of the recently…

…in their capacity to handle things, and knowing when to protect them from experiences that are too much to bear. Educating ourselves and using our intuition to guide us are…

…a world that doesn’t always have the time, space or desire to know what it is within us. The answer is not to openly broadcast oneself to the world but…

…developmental beginnings.   An essential aspect of development is for the child to divide the world into us and them. Every one of us has been guilty of believing that those who are…

…in my world. And this was a world that was not about right or wrong, but about expressing the beauty and the heartache and everything in between. A world about…

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