…the happy snapshots one-dimensional, limited, and truncated upon reflection. Do the pictures on these walls translate into a similar invitation for expression in the children’s homes? What do these pictures…

Magic trunk

Let me introduce you to Mister Rogers and Mister Dressup. Perhaps they need no introduction, especially if you are from my generation. Or perhaps you have heard stories from your…

by, they can lose their sense of caring, and become more easily bored. Summer vacation is an opportunity to give your child rest by creating and deepening his attachment to…

Art journal sun

…others – whatever your role – starting online in February 2024. For more information: https://neufeldinstitute.org/event/playful-facilitation-module-putting-play-into-practice/ And to find out more about Tammy’s expressive art, you can find her at: https://www.tammyhudgeon*]}*.com/about-courses

for free – please can I have a Walkman?” Again the father said no, and when asked why by his son he said, “Because I don’t want you to have…

…the point of comfort, allow it to be changed, reshaped by the magic that coming alongside holds for both people. My beautiful son was floundering after going to sleep in…

Happy New Year

…fairytale, it is not only a satirical treatment of ‘true love’ but also a rather humorous depiction of our human proclivities when facing separation from our loved ones. At one…

…his or her upset recognized, believed and validated, particularly if it seems a parent is favouring one version of the story over another. A child will vie extra hard for

…a flashback to my own small self, already restricted by the pressures to do what was right, and only what was right. I knew the limits this placed on me,…

…taking and growth that can deliver the ultimate resolution to separation anxiety in that one feels confident to stand on one’s own and navigate the world. Until that time comes…

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