or having chats with teens about the songs they are listening to or the ‘heroes’ they admire. It is our job to use our relationship to come to their side…

…room for our own tears and imperfections it will be hard to find room for theirs. How do we convey to them their emotions are neither right nor wrong if…

…NEED to go to school to learn? or to socialize with their peers? or to develop normally? or to become fit for society? Is school the answer for every child?…

or Empathy Training – The idea that we can teach a bully to have a soft heart fails to understand how the emotional system works. Emotions are meant to be…

…they are shielded from this reality as they trust their adults to lead and to provide for them. Where they are confused, they should look to their adults to lead…

…process takes a long time, well into the mid-twenties or even longer for many of us. The second factor we must consider is vulnerability. In order for growth to happen,…

How quick I was to get irritated by a mom who was frantically trying to hold on to her child. She didn’t know how much longer she had to hold…

…needs to be activated for the potential to be realized? The pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together, and the answer lies in this remarkable human attribute called resilience:…

…aimed to support the adults at the school in order to form the full village to support these kids. She’d often say to the staff, “We’re going to brainstorm, pull…

…sound “soft,” or “too easy” to be true. It is anything but that. Unfortunately, the ways that we deal with troubling child and youth behaviours today – through systems of…

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