…what that might look like. Many teachers are finding themselves in the position of trying to “teach” in the midst of restrictive protocols and increased anxiety all around. Regardless of…

…school.  Back to the pandemic at hand. There is this idea that has taken root in our society that school is the most important factor in learning, if not development…

…in a new school. I noticed the lights were turned on, and I knew in my heart that something was wrong. I went to her, and I held her, and…

…doesn’t mean it’s not all okay, as I first admonished myself. It means I know when to give myself permission to express what is inside. It means my children know…

I have talked about guilt and shame. Now it is time for blame, the third sibling. Sometimes it is clear who is at fault. However, often it is not clear,

…adult it is easy to lose sight of the vulnerability involved in depending on another but I am reminded of it every time I get into a taxi or an…

…is part of the social graces of society. We intuitively connect with people by waiting for an invitation to exist in their presence and extending this same invitation in return….

The Natural Roots of Empathy

…bit self-indulgent I suppose but I am also convinced it is needed. So here it is! This Empathy course is my rant. It is reminder to the developmentalists-at-heart of how…

…“the passing of the attachment baton” as Dr. Neufeld calls it. When children and teens experience separation from their parents or other adults they are attached to, it can produce…

It is clear to me when I watch many popular programs geared to the adolescent population that there is a definite absence of parent in the lives of the characters….

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