…“Mommy I can’t wait to go.” and “How many more days?” turned into “Mommy I am scared.” and “Mommy I am not sure I want to go.” I knew my…

…our digital devices. Again, not easy when we are all involved in so many things – but if it’s important to me, if it is what I yearn towards, I…

…“Why does a car have a gearbox?” After studying the Neufeld paradigm I obtained words to many things I knew intuitively, and I also received confirmation of others things of…

…initiative. If a child is old enough to get dressed or organize their homework, then perhaps it is time to put them in charge of these things. If they are…

…that can ensue. If attachment polarization is part of everyone’s beginnings, then how are we to overcome this?  Many put their hope in education. Others in confrontation. As a developmentalist, I…

…control over the wind. I think this is why I take comfort in the understanding that when the roots are deep, we need not fear the inevitable wind. It has…

…it is the influence of three young grandsons. Perhaps it is because I want to stay young, and playfulness definitely helps with that. Perhaps it because the subject of play…

…discern its character. As the artist-of-nature Emily Carr once observed, truth sometimes has difficulty revealing itself when we are looking at it too directly. If I’ve got it right about…

…children. So many of them find themselves out of their element in so many ways. Too much pressure. Too many expectations. A world filled with artificial learning environments and a…

Light flower

…it life if it doesn’t already possess it. This is rather ironic when it comes to Nature, because it is Life. By that, I mean that it is the essence or at least…

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