…had completed any work, we took it to Miss Neronovich to tell her about it, and she would look at it with us one-on-one, and make a comment, or show…

yellow dandelions

…or not). I found myself envious at times of their ability to enter into free play as I watched from a distance, for it seemed to come so easily to…

…what our age. Then there are the sounds and sensations that cause a primitive reaction. The dark, loud noises, unexpected tickling sensations on our skin, being startled by something without…

…willingness to embrace mistakes when the snowman’s scarf broke off, and the permission she gave me to roll up my sleeves and get messy. This was her Christmas spirit on

…and the mighty Pacific Ocean with its endless horizon and powerful waves. One afternoon on this trip, in a particularly reflective place, I found myself at the ocean’s edge contemplating…

…rest in, play in, and do the work of maturing. While facing disconnection and isolation may be all too common an everyday experience of parents today, there is much that…

…focused on common challenges of raising sensitive kids.   How can we give sensitive kids the best environment to grow in? While all children need developmentally friendly environments to grow…

common the phenomenon and how universal the drive, there still seems to be a vast cloud of confusion surrounding it. Coupling can be a source of unbearable suffering or significant…

…their child to talk to them and the answer lies again in your connection. Find some time to spend with them one on one and just enjoy being with them….

I don’t think I have ever seen so many hugs delivered by grown men in a 22-hour period. I was riveted, along with one billion other viewers. I kept count,…

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