…natural to want to move into action when a child comes to us with a complaint. There is a teacher I know, who now does a LOT of listening when…

…feel the same about that number again. But what comes after a brush with death? Many alluded to the aftermath but only one of the many so-called experts even came…

“Oh, the comfort – the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person – having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as…

Light flower

…to this unfolding, but we cannot make it happen. Commanding that our children grow up, as we all know, is futile. We cannot even command growth in ourselves. We can…

…don’t know anymore. As much as we might long for the comforts of Christmas with our mother, we cannot reproduce the day that she owned so completely. She is no…

coming from within the child to construct, build, create, and so on. This type of play is called emergent play and in this state you see curiosity, imagination, and sense…

…in the human heart? What drives that righteous rage which makes us lose compassion? What causes it to cycle back viciously into overwhelming guilt and shame? Those who are hardened…

…under their responsibility or command. And we need to make these scripts for ourselves for when we lose the integrative functioning that makes us fully human and humane. Simply demanding…

…ferns. Sometimes lessons come from unusual places. This one comes from Aunt Ruth … In my world, this pandemic brought many changes – one of the more welcome ones was…

communicating that something is not working for them. We need to hold them close as so that they can express these emotions and thus come to a place of rest….

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