…had completed any work, we took it to Miss Neronovich to tell her about it, and she would look at it with us one-on-one, and make a comment, or show…

…to stay within? What if we focused less on outcome and on pushing harder for results, and created more space for exploration and discovery?  The irony is that we are far…

…taking and growth that can deliver the ultimate resolution to separation anxiety in that one feels confident to stand on one’s own and navigate the world. Until that time comes…

…matter how magnificent the castle or creation, no matter how much time and effort and passion you put into its construction, there is one reliable inevitability – it will not…

…his or her upset recognized, believed and validated, particularly if it seems a parent is favouring one version of the story over another. A child will vie extra hard for

…need for outside validation. I could go on with dozens of similar examples in my short career as a parent. The point is that our parenting confidence is already tender…

…defenses that are stuck, it will be common to have behaviour problems to have to work around until more vulnerable feelings come back online. It will involve protecting others, including…

…that the program can’t “cure” the underlying condition – natural immaturity for some, and situational immaturity for others. Reflection sheets and consequences cannot hurry the developmental process. While research does…

Happy New Year

…fairytale, it is not only a satirical treatment of ‘true love’ but also a rather humorous depiction of our human proclivities when facing separation from our loved ones. At one…

…mama as the one who cared, the one who helped, the one who knew him. Oh how quick we are to judge people when we don’t have the whole picture….

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