Marcela Escalera, Clinical Psychologist
Child Psychologist
International Director in Spanish
Child Psychologist
International Director in Spanish
Mexico City, Mexico
Course Facilitator
Parent Consultant
Spanish Program, led by Marcela Escalera
Marcela - a mother of two grown children - delivers the Neufeld courses and directs the facilitator training program in Spanish from Mexico City, where she lives. She works closely with the Spanish publisher of Hold On to Your Kids. As a child psychologist herself, she has attracted many other psychologists into her training programs. Besides Mexico, her sphere of influence includes Chile, Spain, Argentina, USA (Florida and New York), Germany and Singapore, with plans for furthering the approach in other Spanish speaking countries. She has successfully organized many events in Mexico for Dr. Neufeld, including the Advanced Intensives in Acapulco.
Marcela delivers all courses in Spanish onsite in México and online any other places.