Eugena Maguire
Millet, Alberta
Course Facilitator
Eugena Maguire is a social worker, Neufeld course facilitator and former foster parent. She has been studying the Neufeld paradigm since 2013 and has implemented it into both her counselling practice and her everyday life. Eugena works as a therapist at Karunia Counselling in Leduc, Alberta and ASK Therapy, a telehealth clinic focused on serving moms in the perinatal period. She lives in Leduc County near Millet, Alberta with her wife and in her spare time enjoys writing poetry, travelling, event organizing and connecting to nature. She finds play through learning and is a self-proclaimed children’s book enthusiast. Eugena is passionate about working with 2SLGBTIQ+ folks has a vested interest in supporting clients through grief, including loss related to suicide, as well as helping parents navigate co-parenting dynamics.
Eugena is authorized and available to facilitate the following Neufeld courses:
Making Sense of Anxiety
Making Sense of Aggression
Making Sense of Discipline
Alpha Children