Dayna Davis B.Ed.
Elementary School Teacher
Elementary School Teacher
Manson's Landing, British Columbia
Course Facilitator
Dayna Davis has been a teacher for over 30 years in Waldorf, public and alternative school settings. She is a parent of two grown children, and currently teaches K-5 Nature As Teacher outdoor program, music and art at Cortes School on Cortes Island B.C.
Dayna brings a passion for the wellbeing of children through an attachment- developmental lens. She is an advocate for play and arts based programming in schools.
Dayna offers parenting classes on Cortes and Quadra Island and professional development for teachers in SD 72 Campbell River School District. She is authorized to facilitate:The Vital Connection
Making Sense of Preschoolers
Making Sense of Aggression
Making Sense of Discipline
Book studies: Rest Play Grow and Reclaiming Our Students
She will also bring half day or 2 hour workshops to your community or school on a variety of topics through online Zoom format.