Thanks for your interest in sharing our material as well as for your respect and consideration in asking for our policies.
The short answer is that no formal training is required to share the DVDs. The long answer is that we would love to have the opportunity to equip and support those who believe in the material enough to share it.
Our primary way of supporting the sharing of our material is through our online Neufeld Institute courses. The Neufeld Intensive One (Making Sense of Kids) is our flagship course, providing the foundation of Dr. Neufeld’s relation-based developmental approach. This course will provide you with the depth you need to support the material in the DVDs.
The Neufeld Intensive II (The Separation Complex) opens the door for further support as well as for access to our advanced courses. We deliver our support through our Virtual Campus. Support includes access to our experienced course facilitators as well as study guides, handouts and other supplementary material to help in sharing the material.
Should you wish to continue to study with us and complete what we call our Foundational Studies (Intensives 1-3, Science of Emotion and Play 101), you would have the option of membership to our Support Centre on Campus. Support Centre membership includes access to Dr. Neufeld’s master classes, both live and recorded. It also provides access to the special facilitator’s versions of our courses as well as the option of consulting with our Faculty and listed course facilitators regarding the content as well as the sharing of the material.
Support Centre members may also apply to be listed on our website as a Neufeld Course Facilitator after they have availed themselves of our Facilitation Studies and gained the necessary experience in sharing the material.
When sharing the material with others, we would appreciate if you would provide pointers as appropriate, to our website and courses as well as to Dr. Neufeld’s book “Hold On To Your Kids“.
More information regarding support for sharing Dr. Neufeld’s material is available on the website.
We wish you all the best with sharing the material that Dr. Neufeld has developed to make sense of kids.