…her house, her bathroom, her clothes… they reminded me of what she stood for and I found comfort in everything that was hers.” Karin’s grandmother had what is called a…

…our destination, he talked around his mixed feelings about the game; the things he found appealing, the things he found uncomfortable, the places he felt pushed, his desire to fit…

What is an alpha complex you may ask? To begin with, there are many faces to the alpha complex. Some alpha children present as bossy and prescriptive, dominating and controlling,…

…Elizabeth Gillies-Poitras, and the obstacles she and Martine faced were numerous. Set in a community with a range of low to medium socioeconomic backgrounds, some children come to this school…

…resistance. He found the city streets and the bright lights comforting. I live in the country, where the wandering elk regularly eat the compost and wildflowers grow wherever they please….

…technology time.” I was stunned by her comment and wondered how my seven-year-old relationship with her had become comparable to two weeks of minimal technology time? The problem facing parents…

…are essential to healthy emotional development. The profound impact of the arts on the emotional health and well-being of our children and broader communities is now coming back to our…

…had completed any work, we took it to Miss Neronovich to tell her about it, and she would look at it with us one-on-one, and make a comment, or show…

…“mad,” then we can gently lead them to “sad.” Sad is where adaptation happens. Sad allows emotion to move through so it does not stay underground. To move mad to…

…is far less effective when it comes to feeling secure than making sure they feel taken care of by us. In order to understand why this is so we will…

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