…an increasing number of children were revolving around their peers instead of their parents and teachers. I labeled this astonishing and aberrant attachment phenomenon peer orientation. I was so concerned…

…that feels like it is coming undone. There are sometimes too many acts of uncaring for a human heart to bear in today’s ‘connected world’ when self-centered actions dominate –…

There are many places in my life where my patience is tested and I am offered yet another opportunity to stretch towards maturity. This is definitely the case when dealing…

…was a very long silence before she finally broke into tears, “Daddy, why are the girls cutting in line? This is not fair. I can’t do the moves Daddy. It’s…

…will have a continuum of receptivity when it comes to each sense. Orchid children may complain the tags in their clothes are too itchy, sounds are too loud, smells are…

…in Europe and also here in North America, are experiencing significant problems integrating their youth into mainstream society. Secondly, the one-size-fits-all or government-knows-best attitudes are rather imperious and colonial in…

…separation anxiety is to grow children into independently functioning individuals. This is the overall goal of good development but it takes time to get there and young children are far

…issue is important to me on a more personal level because I am also the mother of two children who are both entering their adolescent years. I remember when I…

are the challenges commonly faced when raising sensitive kids? There are a number of challenges with raising sensitive children, given they are so receptive to sensory information. They are significantly…

…what was intended? I don’t think so, but unfortunately many who work in schools are noticing an increase in alarm, agitation, and anxiety. It is ironic that an intervention that…

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