…circumstances, it should take the average child five to seven years for their brain to fully integrate sensory information with increasing speed and efficiency. Once brain integration is achieved, the…

…is most secure in their life. If hurting too much is the problem, then surely love is the answer. It is a solution as old as time but one that…

…Generations’ – there is such a wonderful simplicity in his song, exactly what I am trying to capture about rituals as embedded in the day, and across the generations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cApq4-7blWU…

Art journal sun

…if you have to get dinner on the table in five minutes to feed your family, it more likely feels like work in that moment. It is not the activity…

…or take it for granted that good intentions will make it work. In fact, there is nothing more significant than this relationship for a child’s learning and growth. Children flourish…

Lately I have been thinking about how vital it is that I convey to my children how important they are to me. In our busy lives with so much to…

…us more than thwarted proximity with those attached to. The problem with frustration is that if it doesn’t move us to tears, it erupts instead in foul attacking energy. Many…

…adult it is easy to lose sight of the vulnerability involved in depending on another but I am reminded of it every time I get into a taxi or an…

…it is the influence of three young grandsons. Perhaps it is because I want to stay young, and playfulness definitely helps with that. Perhaps it because the subject of play…

…Pippin is a mini-Australian shepherd and sheltie cross. For him, herding is an instinct. It is part of who he is. We cannot prevent him from herding, nor would we…

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