terms of all of who he is.  And so, there we sat on the balcony, with him telling me that all he wanted in the world was to be normal,…

Health is something we all desire for our children. Physical health is fairly straightforward to assess, as problems usually show up in terms of pain and discomfort. Emotional health, however,…

…the importance of play in young children’s lives and the pressures of technology in my book Rest, Play, Grow: Making Sense of Preschoolers. I have also aided educators in considering…

of their parents on a daily basis anymore. What problems can occur? Conflicting Attachments Children younger than six (and often also much older children) are not yet able to hold…

…where the alpha complex comes from, I shall give a backdrop to my discovery of this phenomenon. When I was first putting the pieces of the attachment puzzle together, I…

…recall the laments of adults, concerned that their children were talking with friends too much on the telephone, staying on the phone for all hours of the day and night…

…and out of harm’s way, their thinking brains need to feel the feedback of an activated alarm system when trouble looms ahead. Too many of our children have lost their…

…kept out of her line of fire as much as possible, but I did manage to learn what was on offer in spite of her dreadful style. My teachers didn’t…

…in the face of a very obvious disaster, to help our children get through this with the fewest effects on their emotional well-being?” And yes, there will be effects. This…

…to take care of them. When the heart becomes too wounded the brain will take care of the child by building up a wall but emotional growth comes to a…

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