…waiving the prerequisite Power-to-Parent I: The Vital Connection for this course. Registrants will instead be given access to Dr. Neufeld’s Roots of Attachment webinar as a substitute for this prerequisite.

…likely to be misunderstood. It is fortunate for many orchid children that one or both of their parents may be sensitive too, aiding them in making sense of their child….

Happy New Year

…page of our website. Please feel free to share this resource with others. We have also decided to make available for purchase the complete the recordings of last fall’s Wisdom…

magic and awe, feasting and fulfillment. Our hopes and expectations automatically highlight any lack there may be. With years, these losses accumulate. Warm childhood memories of celebration and connectedness are…

…softness is a state that opens us up to being hurt. In the best interest of their development, our children must be able to tolerate this state of vulnerability. How…

…their environment and stand out in comparison to their peers. They are the kids who get more easily overwhelmed, alarmed, intense, sensitive, prickly in their responses, and passionate in temperament….

…course, Heart Matters: The Science of Emotion (starting October 26, 2016).   Reference (1) Gordon Neufeld, Level I Intensive: Making Sense of Kids, 2013, Neufeld Institute, Vancouver, BC. www.neufeldinstitute.org  …

…rituals. Fiercely independent and proud of her amazing turkey dinner timed just right, she would never accept help from us, her two adult daughters. She took complete responsibility for the…

Art journal sun

…way that matched what was going on inside.  My friend Tammy, through her own transformative experiences, knew the secret was not about teaching the right technique or following a certain…

…or do the opposite of, what they are told. But this isn’t news to parents or teachers. What may be surprising is that resistance can stem from the counterwill instinct…

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