…being! Along come the negotiations around best age to allow dating, group activities versus alone time, how much alone time is appropriate for a young dating couple, how involved should…

…waiving the prerequisite Power-to-Parent I: The Vital Connection for this course. Registrants will instead be given access to Dr. Neufeld’s Roots of Attachment webinar as a substitute for this prerequisite.

…for their emotions as well as room to express them. These are the prerequisite steps before they can develop self-control over their internal world. Until then, their adults have to…

…always contain the emotions stirred up inside me. I wasn’t alone. Everywhere around me, I watched other adults’ anxiety pour out along with mine in our political Facebook rants, frantic…

Happy New Year

…attachments of the zygote, embryo, fetus, baby, toddler, growing child, adolescent, and beyond – each a prerequisite for the further unfolding of potential.  And everything attachment-wise begins with the dynamic…

…certainly reveal our emotional agenda – Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year. However, it’s likely that we wouldn’t be wishing this for each other unless the opposite

…encourage you to continue to explore Dr. Neufeld’s paradigm, especially his newly released DVD on “Making Sense of Discipline: the INs and OUTs of imposing order on children’s behaviour.” http://www.gordonneufeld.com/products/dvds…

…Centre for Peace and Education, Vancouver, BC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mSrc0GFpJw [ii] Ellis, B.J., Boyce, W. T. (2005). Biological sensitivity to context: Empirical explorations of an evolutionally-developmental theory. Development and Psychopathology. V. 17,(2),…

…course, Heart Matters: The Science of Emotion (starting October 26, 2016).   Reference (1) Gordon Neufeld, Level I Intensive: Making Sense of Kids, 2013, Neufeld Institute, Vancouver, BC. www.neufeldinstitute.org  …

…Generations’ – there is such a wonderful simplicity in his song, exactly what I am trying to capture about rituals as embedded in the day, and across the generations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cApq4-7blWU…

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