Although empathy is universally valued, there is tremendous controversy regarding how to foster it, much of it rooted in a lack of understanding about where it comes from. This course reveals the natural developmental roots of empathy in a way that can easily be put into practice by parents and teachers alike.

Upcoming Scheduled Online Class – Save the Date! Making Sense of Adolescence Part II will start April 10, 2025 with faculty members Robin Brooks-Sherriff and Lisa Weiner. Classes will run on Thursdays from 1:00 – 2:00 pm PT, running for 4 weeks. Prerequisite The prerequisite for this course is Making Sense of Adolescence Part I:…

Prerequisites The prerequisites for the therapy course include Neufeld Intensive I, Neufeld Intensive II, Science of Emotion and the Play Series (Play 101, Play & Attachment, Play & Emotion). Highly recommended are also the Intensive III: Becoming Attached and Making Sense of Adolescence Part I, as Dr. Neufeld builds upon some of the material delivered…

There are many approaches to making sense of our human drive for togetherness. This course distills the science of relationship to its essence and then explores the implications for working with children. The course is divided into eight sessions, each containing an hour of videocourse material. Because of the density of the material, the DVDs…

The alarm spectrum covers a vast amount of troubling territory, affecting the majority of our children and youth as well as adults. The good news is that once we understand how these syndromes come to be, we are also more informed as to how they can be reversed.

Teaching is getting harder, not easier. This despite the fact that teachers have never been more educated, technology has never been more advanced, curriculum has never been so refined and pedagogy has never been so honed. Although these factors are important, the true problem in learning lies elsewhere – in the teachability of our students. This…

True play is becoming endangered in our world today. Why is play important, and why is it at risk? What are the effects of digital shortcuts on development? This course builds on the material from the videocourse, Raising Children in a Digital World, and adds to it the development reasons why we need to preserve…

Emotion needs to play and play needs the energy that emotion provides. It seems that these two dynamics were always meant to dance with each other, but with the loss of traditional culture, they are having greater difficulty even finding each other. Evolutionary biologists tell us that play and emotion first appear at the same…

Prerequisites The prerequisites for Play and Attachment are Play 101 and Neufeld Intensive I: Making Sense of Kids which can be taken individually either as a Scheduled Online Class (when available) or via Self-Paced Study.

Play – at least the kind that builds brains, forwards development, and serves our emotions – is becoming an endangered activity among those who need to engage in it most and this includes us as adults. The science of play reveals the mind of Nature and gets to the very heart of the developmental approach….

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