In this four-session course (available in online lecture video format only), Dr. Neufeld outlines the steps that need to be taken to get to emotional maturity and well-being, whether one is a child, a student or a supposed grown-up. This developmental knowledge is especially important as immaturity has become epidemic and most approaches make the…

We now know that there is nothing more stressful than emotional wounding, yet evidence strongly indicates that our children’s world is becoming a more wounding place. We also know that the emotional health and well-being of our children depends upon us being able to keep them safe, yet how are we to do this when…

There is much focus today on children’s emotions. Constructs like emotional intelligence, emotional self-regulation, emotional well-being and emotional social learning are being bandied about like never before. Emotion, long dismissed as a nuisance factor, is now confirmed to be at the core of development and well-being. Yet little is being taught about the nature of…

Dr. Neufeld's refreshing developmental analysis of bullies reveals instinctive roots embedded in the dynamics of attachment and the flight from vulnerability. Invited to keynote on Canada's first national conference on bullying, Dr. Neufeld shares the insights that have evolved as a result of years of experience working with bullies of all kinds, combined with his mastery…

Dr. Neufeld’s unfolding of the alpha dynamic has resulted in some of the most surprising and revealing moments for students who take this course. Few are left untouched or unmoved. Once the dynamic is fleshed out, it becomes self-evident and one wonders why it has been so hidden. An understanding of the alpha dynamic also…

Resilience is a remarkable construct – an overarching metaphor that touches on the arenas of stress, neural plasticity, emotional health, recovery, healing, mental illness, adaptation, defendedness, and therapy. It is relevant to everyone in most every role and regardless of age: teachers, therapists, youth workers, parents, support workers, etc. Fresh understandings are coming to the…

To make sense of a preschooler is to possess the keys for unlocking the mysteries of human nature as well as for the unfolding of human potential. This fascinating material takes the best that today`s science has to offer and delivers it in a usable form to all those involved with this enchanted and ensorcelled age…

Sensory overload is emerging as a core neurological condition that can have far-reaching repercussions for attachment and development, including attention, emotion, personality and social relations. New understandings of the brain illuminate the processes involved in the sensory gating system, and when viewed through the lens of developmental science, reveal a way through that is surprisingly…

Since the filming of the original course, a number of insights have emerged in neuroscience, especially regarding the role of play as well as a more precise understanding of feelings. We believe these added insights will be helpful to parents and teachers, and in addition, make their job of managing behaviour that much more natural,…

The instinct to resist being controlled or coerced is one of the most perplexing and troublesome dynamics in dealing with children and youth. This course reveals the dynamics controlling this instinct and provides suggestions for how to deal with it. This material is applicable for all those dealing with toddlers through adolescents: teachers, parents and helping…

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