Shoshana Hayman
Director of Life Center
Elkana, Israel
Course Facilitator
Parent Consultant

Shoshana Hayman is a Faculty Member of the Neufeld Institute and International Director in Israel. She began her professional development in the field of parenting as a childbirth educator, breastfeeding consultant and parent group facilitator. Shoshana and her husband have six children and 18 grandchildren, who are the source of her inspiration and motivation to pass on to others what has given her the greatest pleasure and deepest insight into raising responsible and caring children. Her daughter Elana works with her. After reading Hold On To Your Kids, Shoshana felt compelled to publish it in Hebrew and enter into an intensive study program with Dr. Neufeld to become a faculty member of the Neufeld Institute. Shoshana founded and directs the Life Center, Center for Attachment Parenting in Israel based on the relational approach, and works to raise awareness and create change in the way that children in Israel are understood, taught and cared for. As the International Director for the Neufeld Institute in Israel, Shoshana is building a team of facilitators to present the Neufeld material in Israel so that together they can help parents and teachers understand what children truly need to realize their human potential.

Shoshana presents Dr. Neufeld’s material in Hebrew in a variety of settings in Israel. She teaches the Neufeld Intensive One: Making Sense of Kids in Hebrew both onsite and online, and facilitates the Intensive Two: Common Challenges. She is available for presentations to schools and institutions throughout Israel, and adapts her presentations to meet the needs of each organization or audience. Shoshana offers the three-part Power to Parent course onsite and online. In addition, she provides authorization courses in Hebrew to those who want to facilitate Dr. Neufeld’s courses. Shoshana can be consulted privately in person, online or by telephone. Please contact Shoshana for more information.