International Director in Russian
Formerly of Minsk, Belarus
Victoria, British Columbia
Olga Pisaryk is the mother of four wonderful children who are her source of inspiration as well as aspiration to further development. Olga is a facilitator of Neufeld Institute courses and the director for the Russian language for the Neufeld Institute. She is the founder of the online community of parents `Caring Alpha` - http://alpha-parenting.livejournal.com and a web site http://alpha-parenting.ru. Olga also consults with parents on an issues of the child-parent relationship.
Being the Neufeld Institute Regional Director in the Russian language, Olga teaches Dr.Neufeld`s Intensive I and Intensive II as well as her own courses based on the Neufeld Model: a parenting course called `Caring Alpha` as well as courses on sensitive children, on alpha children and on adult relationships. Considering the distance between Russia and Vancouver, most of her courses are online, though during her frequent visits to Eastern Europe Olga likes to meet with people in person.