Maureen Bright
Montessori Teacher
Montessori Teacher
Bozeman, Montana
Course Facilitator
Maureen has a B.A. in Early Childhood/Elementary Education and is a Montessori Teacher and Director. Her understanding has evolved from over 25 years of daily experience of the joys and challenges of being a parent and teacher. Maureen is passionate about her work as a Neufeld Course Facilitator. Most importantly, Maureen is a mother and grandmother, putting Dr. Neufeld`s approach into practice in her everyday life.
Maureen is available to come to your area or school to offer:
Power to Parent I: The Vital Connection
Power to Parent II: Helping Children Grow Up
Power to Parent III: Common Challenges
Making Sense of Adolescence
Adolescence & Sexuality
Making Sense of Aggression
Making Sense of Preschoolers
Making Sense of Counterwill
Bullies: Their Making and Unmaking
Power to Teach
Course dates can also be arranged to meet the needs of individuals, couples or interested groups. Please contact Maureen for more information.