Maria Esther Martinez
Facilitadora Autorizada
Facilitadora Autorizada
Mexico City, Mexico
Course Facilitator
María Esther was born in Mexico, City. She is the mother of two kids. She is a language and learning therapist. She has studied Logotherapy and Thanatology, Psychotherapy Gestalt and has a diploma in Adolescence. Her work has been focused in working with teenagers and helping their parents for twenty-two years. Dr. Neufeld's material helped her in her personal life and has help her in her work as a therapist.
María Esther facilitates Dr. Neufeld´s Vital Connection, Helping Children Grow Up, Common Challenges, Making Sense of Aggression, Making Sense of Adolescence, Adolescence and Sexuality, Emotions, Alpha Children, and Making Sense of Discipline in Interlomas in Mexico City.