Lori Abramowitz, MS, LMHC
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Buffalo, New York
Course Facilitator
Parent Consultant
Lori is a Neufeld Institute Faculty Member, and an authorized Neufeld Parent Consultant and Course Facilitator. With a master`s degree in Counselor Education, she has worked with youth of all ages through a variety of programs in school, community, outpatient and inpatient hospital settings. Lori has been studying and applying Dr. Neufeld`s insight for over a decade. She is passionate about forwarding the attachment-based developmental approach that has added depth to her work as a helping professional and has enriched her life as a mother of three. Lori is currently a licensed mental health counselor working in private practice with children, adolescents, families and parents in the Buffalo area.
Lori offers in-person and online courses to parents, educators, helping professionals and care providers. She also works in private consultation with those seeking more individualized support.
Lori is authorized and available to facilitate all Neufeld courses, including:
Power to Parent I: The Vital Connection
Power to Parent II: Helping Children Grow Up
Power to Parent III: Common Challenges
Making Sense of Discipline
Play 101
Alpha Children
The Attachment Puzzle
Making Sense of Preschoolers
Making Sense of Adolescence
Making Sense of Aggression
Keeping Children Safe in a Wounding World
Making Sense of Anxiety
Making Sense of Counterwill
Making Sense of Resilience
Art and Science of Transplanting Children
The Science of Emotion
For more information about upcoming courses or to inquire about parent consultation services, please contact Lori directly.