Ksienia (Xenie) Majznerová Biazrukaja, MPsych, MEc
Co-Director of Czech & Slovak Language Programs
Co-Director of Czech & Slovak Language Programs
Prague, Czech Republic
Faculty Intern
Course Facilitator
Ksienia is a psychologist, certified perinatal psychologist, therapist, photographer, mother of two homeschooled preschoolers and also holds a Master’s degree in economics and management. Ksienia is a bookworm with endless curiosity, and has her hands in many different projects intended to promote the health and well-being of parents and children. She is one of those lucky people who encountered Dr. Neufeld’s paradigm long before her kids were born. Ksienia applies the paradigm with her own children, and provides consultations to parents while helping them to see their kids through the lens of the theory. More details about her private practice can be found on her website.
Ksienia is the heart and soul of the project Rodičovství Hrou (parenting through play), that she has co-founded with her friend and colleague Lina Vizelman. The project’s goal is to bring the Neufeld paradigm to the parents, foster parents, teachers, and other professionals working with children in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Lina and Ksienia are Co-Directors of the Czech & Slovak language programs of the Neufeld Institute. Along with a team of volunteers, she has been translating invaluable editorials about the theory to Czech and Slovak languages. For more information about the project and to see upcoming events, please visit their website and Facebook support group.