Jennifer Miller Gehman, B.A., B Ed.
Educator and Home Education Coach
Educator and Home Education Coach
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Course Facilitator
Jennifer Gehman is an educator, curriculum writer, and home educational consultant. She is passionate about the place of play within the realm of childhood, especially as it applies to education. She believes that the loss of play and the increased pressure on children to perform is contributing to an epidemic of struggling children. She fervently believes that the Neufeld material holds to key to restoring childhood to our children.
Jennifer has been married for over 25 years and is the mother of 5 amazing children. Knowing her children would struggle in the typical school setting, she chose to educate them all at home. She has graduated her three oldest who are now pursuing their careers and post-secondary education. Her fourth is at public high school part-time and she is still educating her youngest in the living room. They still all live together in their messy but happy home.
Jennifer gives presentations both in person and online about home education and the developmental attachment paradigm.