Ivette Lopez
Mexico City, Mexico
Course Facilitator
Ivette López Sroor was born in Chihuahua Mexico and studied Financial Administration in ITESM where she graduated with honours. She is a Private Pilot who flew for her father for ten years, studied Montessori in MTTC and is also a Corporal therapist.
When she found Neufeld´s model in 2006, she fell in love with it and decided to learn all there was to it to become a facilitator. She is the mother of Federico, who is 22, and Victoria, who is 20. This model has has helped her to understand her children and herself from the inside out.
Ivette has shared this paradigm with hundreds of parents.
Ivette facilitates Dr. Neufeld´s Vital Connection, Helping Children Grow Up, Common Challenges and Making Sense of Adolescence in Mexico City.