Eva Svensson BA
Family Support Coordinator at West Side Family Place
Family Support Coordinator at West Side Family Place
Vancouver, British Columbia
Course Facilitator
Eva is originally from Sweden, where she began her career as a teacher. After moving to Canada 30 years ago, she specialized in Early Childhood Education and Montessori and worked for a decade in a Montessori preschool. Eva completed a diploma in counseling at Vancouver Community College in 2004 and worked with Family Services as a group facilitator before joining West Side Family Place (WSFP), a family resource centre. She was introduced to the Neufeld Developmental approach as a teacher in the early 1990s, but admits that it was when she became a parent herself that she realized just how important this material is. Having experienced how isolating it can be to raise children without a natural attachment village, she is now deeply committed to supporting parents and helping them making sense of their children. Eva currently works as the Family Support Coordinator at WSFP and is an authorized Neufeld facilitator. She is a parent of three grownup daughters and continues to be fascinated and delighted by the challenge.
Eva is an authorized Neufeld Facilitator and offers the Power to Parent (I, II and III), Making Sense of Preschoolers and Discipline That Doesn`t Divide DVD and discussion groups at West Side Family Place in Vancouver. West Side Family Place is a family resource center set in a cozy little house in a residential area in the heart of Kitsilano. Parents, grandparents and caregivers are welcome to register for these classes, the groups are and intimate, ranging from 6 to 10 participants. Eva offers one Neufeld DVD and discussion group once or twice a year.