Dan Nault, RSW
Family School Liaison Counsellor
Lethbridge, Alberta
Course Facilitator
Parent Consultant
Dan is a registered social worker currently employed with Lethbridge School Division where he works full time in the role of Family School Liaison Counsellor. Dan also maintains a small private practice where he provides in person and virtual parent consultation. In addition to his 20 years of experience working alongside children, youth and their families, Dan brings personal experience putting Dr. Neufeld`s approach to the test in day-to-day parenting with his own, now adult children.
Dan offers most of Dr. Neufeld`s video-courses and has facilitated them for parents, educators/school support staff and public health professionals. Dan`s passion for this approach combined with his personal and professional experience with children, youth and their families enables him to effectively connect Dr. Neufeld`s material to everyday interactions with children.
For more information about institute courses please see the course section of the website. Contact Dan for more information about his offerings.