Dan Nault, RSW
Family School Liaison Counsellor
Family School Liaison Counsellor
Lethbridge, Alberta
Course Facilitator
Parent Consultant
Dan is a registered social worker currently employed with Lethbridge School Division where he works full time in the role of Family School Liaison Counsellor. Dan also maintains a small private practice where he provides in person and virtual parent consultation. In addition to his 20 + years of experience working alongside children, youth and their families, Dan brings personal experience putting Dr. Neufeld`s approach to the test in day-to-day parenting with his own, now adult children.
Dan offers most of Dr. Neufeld`s video-courses and has facilitated them for parents, educators/school support staff and public health professionals. Dan`s passion for this approach combined with his personal and professional experience with children, youth and their families enables him to effectively connect Dr. Neufeld`s material to everyday interactions with children.
For more information about institute courses please see the course section of the website. Contact Dan for more information about his offerings.