Powell River, British Columbia
Celena Krahn is a mother, a listener, a writer, a student of the wild. She has always been intrigued by relationship, be it with people, animals, plants or places. As the full-time solo parent for her son, finding the non-behaviouristic Neufeld approach was refreshing and relieving, and she was elated to come on staff with the Neufeld Institute in 2014. Since then, she has been dedicated to discovering how to live the principles of the paradigm with her son, her greatest teacher. She has many stories to share about the journey from the frustration and grief of recognizing the wisdom of the approach, but not knowing how to embody it, to it landing and integrating and blooming and bearing fruit.
Celena and her family now live on BC’s Sunshine Coast, and she continues to learn from the wild and its role in rest, play and right relationship. She works with people, plants, animals and places, with relationship and full invitation as her venue, seeking better questions and deeper wonder.