Bridgett Miller, HDip Ed, HDip Rem Ed, BA Psych
Teacher/Remedial Therapist/Author
Teacher/Remedial Therapist/Author
Port Moody, British Columbia
Course Facilitator
Bridgett Miller is an authorized Neufeld Facilitator and has a background in Education, Special Education and Psychology. She is the author of `What Young Children NEED You to Know: How to see them so you know what to do for them` - a developmental and attachment based approach to consciously raising children (and ourselves!) https://neufeldinstitute.org/resources/other-books/
Bridgett offers talks and workshops for parents, educators and anyone wanting to make sense of the children in their lives. Bridgett`s online presence is on Facebook @look.with.love.bridgett and Instagram @lookwithlove_bridgett or visit her website www.bridgettmiller.com for more information and upcoming events.
Bridgett consults privately with parents wanting to understand how this approach relates specifically to their own children and family. These sessions are suitable for those who want to discuss their children`s development more deeply and to share their concerns privately rather than in a general group setting.
On a personal note, Bridgett is the mother of two daughters and has found the work of Dr. Gordon Neufeld pivotal in helping her to grow them up. Originally from South Africa, she now lives in Port Moody, BC with her family and two long haired dachshunds.
Bridgett is an authorized Neufeld Facilitator. She shares the Neufeld Approach in a variety of settings:
- Presentations: Bridgett is a keynote speaker at conferences and frequently offers online and in person workshops for a variety of schools and community organisations.
- Private Groups can be arranged on request for any parents wanting to gather a group together with a common interest in any of the Neufeld courses I offer. We meet at a time, frequency and location convenient for your group. Please contact me for a comprehensive list of course offerings.
- Educational Setting: For those caring adults working in the school or child care arena. Participants may include administrators, teachers, counsellors, special education assistants, early childhood educators and anyone else working with children. Please contact me directly for information on Neufeld courses that would be best suited to your area of interest.
- Private Parent Consulting for those parents wanting to make more sense of their children outside of the group facilitation setting. Please contact me directly to schedule a time to meet in person or to arrange an online appointment.