Supporting Well-being in 2025:
in our children and in ourselves


Presented by Dr. Gordon Neufeld

April 30, 2025
7:00 – 9:00 pm

Bell Performing Arts Centre
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Times have changed! The good news is that well-being is now front and centre in our thinking as it always should have been. What a welcome relief from previous preoccupations of getting children to behave, rendering children fit for society, or getting them to do well in school. The bad news is that the well-being of today’s children as well as adults is in a downturn, and the information of what to do about it more conflicting then ever. Dr. Neufeld will put the puzzle pieces together to reveal the hidden pivotal factor at the root of this trouble, and then outline the implications for what we can do for our children and ourselves.  

This is a fundraising event for the Neufeld Institute. All ticket sale proceeds directly support our mission.

Hold On to Your Kids book signing will follow the presentation:

  • Purchase 2024 edition with Chapter 21 — In the Wake of the Pandemic: Peer Orientation and Mental Health
  • Bring an older edition book for signing and receive a complimentary Chapter 21 PDF

Tickets are available through the Bell Performing Arts Centre website.

Click HERE to purchase or use the link on the left-hand side of this page.  

Thank you for your interest and support!