AGENDA | DAY 1 Wednesday, November 15 | DAY 2 Thursday, November 16 | DAY 3 Friday, November 17 |
8:30 AM – 8:45 AM | Morning Introductions |
1ST KEYNOTE 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM |  | Gordon Neufeld, PH.D. Keys to Resilience: Emotionally, Developmentally & Relationally |
|  | Gordon Neufeld, PH.D. Play & Resilience: Why We ALL Need to Play |
|  | Gabor Maté, M.D. Fostering Resilience in a Stressed Culture |
10:15 AM – 10:45 AM | Mid-Morning Break |
2ND KEYNOTE 10:45 AM – 12:00 PM |  | Gordon Neufeld, PH.D. Keys to Resilience: Emotionally, Developmentally & Relationally |
|  | Martin Brokenleg, PH.D. The Circle of Courage |
|  | Maria LeRose, M.ED. Panel with Gordon Neufeld, Martin Brokenleg and Gabor Maté |
12:00 NOON – 1:15 PM | Lunch Break |
AFTERNOON CONCURRENT SESSION 1:15 PM – 2:30 PM Please Choose One Workshop to Attend |  | Gordon Neufeld, PH.D. Q&A with Gordon |  | Tamara Strijack, M.A. Resilience in the Digital World |  | Deborah MacNamara, PH.D. Alpha Problems, Bullying & Resilience |  | Colleen Drobot, B.ED., RPC Resilience & School |
|  | Martin Brokenleg, PH.D. Reaching Deeper |  | Gordon Neufeld, PH.D. Hypersensitivity & Resilience: Special Challenges with the Autistic and the Gifted |
|  | Gabor Maté, M.D. Q&A with Gabor |  | Tamara Strijack, M.A. Special Challenges with Adolescents |  | Geneviève Brabant, MSW, RSW Resilience & Discipline |  | Patti Drobot, B.SC., OT, RPC Aggression, Suicide, Adaptation, & Resilience |
2:30 PM – 2:50 PM | Mid-Afternoon Break |
AFTERNOON CONCURRENT SESSION 2:50 PM – 4:00 PM |  | Tamara Strijack, M.A. Special Challenges with Adolescents |  | Deborah MacNamara, PH.D. Tempers & Tantrums in Preschoolers |  | Colleen Drobot, B.ED., RPC Softening the Defenses |
|  | Martin Brokenleg, PH.D. Discussion with Martin on Strength-Based Resilience |  | Gordon Neufeld, PH.D. Discussion with Gordon and Neufeld Faculty on the Journey of Tears |
|  | Tamara Strijack, M.A. Resilience in the Digital World |  | Genevieve Brabant, MSW, RSW Resilience: Special Challenges with Divorce, Adoption and Fostering |  | Patti Drobot, B.SC., OT, RPC Supporting the Anxious Child |
EVENING SESSION NOVEMBER 15 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM |  | Deborah MacNamara, PH.D. Nourish: Why Food & Relationship Belong Together |
| Food and relationship were meant to be intertwined, but they have become separated. In this presentation, Dr. Deborah MacNamara will use developmental science to weave together the pieces of the feeding-and-eating puzzle. She’ll draw on the fields of attachment science, neuroscience, developmental psychology, and cultural tradition. Come relish and savour a thought-provoking walk around our most basic human needs and what they reveal about what is truly essential for survival. |