toilet – and you can even start or join in yourself. Everyone has the right to feel frustrated, to express frustration, and find acceptance in this. Don’t give up! Your…

…them to assume a contributing role in our society. School used to be outstanding at serving this function, not because of the curriculum however, but because students used to be…

…be going on. I moved it to a window, closer to the sun and to its tree relatives outside. It stopped shedding leaves within a day. I had found the…

…is inherent wisdom in trauma.   Our body’s wisdom can take care of us by disconnecting from that which is too painful to bear. However, we are not meant to stay in

…his mother used to eat ferns when she was little. It explains so much.) He learned because he wanted to know more, and he knew who to go to for…

…quite dedicated to ensuring our survival. So in challenging situations it is very normal for the brain to block out an emotional reaction in order to allow us to cope….

…BC. [ii] Ellis, B.J., Boyce, W. T. (2005). Biological sensitivity to context: Empirical explorations of an evolutionally-developmental theory. Development and Psychopathology. V. 17,(2), pp. 303-328. [iii] Same as above….

…our children to depend on us in ways that make us irreplaceable. We need to be the ones to listen to their stories, to impart our values, and to teach…

…head on. One of the biggest challenges to development in young children today is the routine practice of matchmaking children to peers instead of adults in order to help them…

…consequences. Trauma had its crippling effects. Divorce had its fallout. Stress, in sufficient amounts, would lead to our undoing. The corollary to this idea is that good experiences (or the…

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