…good-bye to her daughter at the beginning of each school day. Coming home at lunch was also thought to contribute to the problem and more peer interaction was recommended. An…

by far the most important factor in the learning equation. How I hope and wish for this invitation to relationship to be felt by my daughter as she enters this…

…helps them hang on to you and puts the focus on the return rather than the separation. Giving your child something they can hold on to can also help; a…

…yet glimpsing the seeming freedoms of adulthood that are just out of reach. Not there yet. And not able to hold on. I recall the complete overwhelm as my inner…

…Questions stirred for me: How do we create space, preserve space, honour space?  How do we honour time? One way, I believe, is by not putting unnecessary limits on it…

…when it comes to raising children. We are still preoccupied with pushing independence upon them, succumbing to one variation after another with some of the newest obsessions including self-soothing, self-regulation,

…the hall was full of parents getting their little ones ready to transition back to home. We looked at each other, shrugged, and kept on working. I figured that there…

…information. There is a lot coming in from the outside. But is there any room for things to come out from the inside? Do these activities make space for exploring…

…he apologize to her in front of the class, we all sat horrified, as this was not common practice in our classroom. When she couldn’t extract an apology from him,…

…cannot change, a deeply transformative process Dr. Neufeld calls Adaptation; one of three processes of maturation he discusses in depth in his DVD Helping Children Grow Up. This process is…

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