…to do it themselves. There are obvious and not so obvious reasons why children lose faith in their providers. It is easy to appreciate how children whose parents are neglectful…

…count on us and lean on us, it helps them relax and feel well nurtured. Lo and behold, they actually move to venture forth, trying things on their own. I…

…your child. It is hard to read the parenting literature or the newspaper’s reports on the latest release in research or the latest parenting advice (and possibly the editorials on…

…togetherness – at least in the form of ‘being with’ – is what threatens us, thus creating a perfect emotional storm. No wonder we feel so rattled and unsettled. We are meant…

…about this virus. It feels like it is the end of the world, and some young people actually believe it is the end. I also think that many of us

…It allows us to maintain a sense of calm and focus, when the world around us is spinning. We orchestrate a quick exit from the place of danger. We drive…

As we begin another not-quite-usual holiday season, we wanted to share with you, once again, some seasonal offerings from our homes to yours. In looking at the writings that Neufeld…

…fulfillment or both. Coupling can cripple or transform, suffocate or emancipate, isolate or liberate. Coupling can bring out the best in us or the worst in us. The exclusiveness in…

…And so, Christmas tacos were born. A bit odd and unlikely perhaps, as traditions go, but those tacos gave us something to hold on to. I remember that first transitional…

Happy New Year

…it is a plant attached to the soil, fungus attached to a tree, electrons attached to the atomic nucleus, our moon attached to the earth, or humans attached to each…

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