…ferns. Sometimes lessons come from unusual places. This one comes from Aunt Ruth … In my world, this pandemic brought many changes – one of the more welcome ones was…

…encourage you to continue to explore Dr. Neufeld’s paradigm, especially his newly released DVD on “Making Sense of Discipline: the INs and OUTs of imposing order on children’s behaviour.” http://www.gordonneufeld.com/products/dvds…

communicating that something is not working for them. We need to hold them close as so that they can express these emotions and thus come to a place of rest….

…Institute. I have come to depend upon Gail as a friend, a confidante, as an advisor, and a source of inspiration. I have come to depend upon her fierce independent…

…partial to sandals and flip flops – perhaps something about the saltwater smell. We have come to the place where we expect something to be destroyed when we come home…

With Thanksgiving already over in Canada and the United States, and with Hannukah, Christmas and other celebrations coming in just a few weeks, we are firmly into the holiday season….

…from frustration or the panic that comes from alarm or the obsession with pursuit, we should be asking ourselves how we could help this emotional energy come out in play…

…party was over the moon. Soon we had another companion in our ranks, a slug called Finley. Young June watched Big Finley as he traversed the edges and navigated the…

…anxiety in moving freely and, eventually, in coming to rest. I danced him in and out of rooms, to and from the car, in the tempo of his compulsive steps….

…certainly not inevitable. Everyone possesses the potential for resilience, but only some come to realize it. It cannot be commanded and is not a skill to be learned. Resilience is…

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