…The brain in the play mode is a delight to behold and in many ways the opposite of what it is in the work mode. What also wasn’t known until…

I am pleased to announce the launching of this editorial feature to our website. What pleases me most however is to have such a wonderful group of people who have…

…can’t wait to have that special time with you.” Now I realize that my daughter can venture forth, find her opposite feelings about gymnastics, melt her frustrations, and find her…

…from us. In conclusion, we cannot send our children into the digital world empty handed with only their technological tools in tow. Maturity is the prerequisite for true digital citizenship…

…common roots of problem behaviour and explained why discipline is not the answer to any of them. Now I turn to play – the exact opposite of work – as…

…activity itself. In this way, play is the opposite of work. To be playful means that we are engaged by the activity, not thinking about the outcomes that could result….

…went, with Gail quietly taking note. At one point I just stopped and asked my daughter if she was going to continue to do the opposite of everything I suggested….

…talking about alpha children and the resulting challenges in my keynote address to the Neufeld Institute Annual Parenting Conference in Vancouver this May. Consult the website for more details.  …

…theoretical thinking. The ‘heart that never hardens’ gets to the essence of the prerequisite condition for the unfolding of human potential. Emotion is the engine of development. Yes emotion, not…

…of our young. They use technology in their day-to-day lives to keep in touch with each other in a multiple of ways, including social media sites, cell phones, and texting….

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