The Teachability Factor

Dr. Deborah MacNamara

June 10, June 11, and June 12, 2025
9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Various locations across Australia

Neufeld Institute Faculty member Deborah MacNamara will be touring Australia this June to present The Teachability Factor and Intensive I: Making Sense of Kids.

Sign up for one of three full day presentations of The Teachability Factor course:

As peer influence and social media overshadow adult guidance, students are becoming more anxious, disconnected, and resistant to learning. This workshop uncovers the root causes and offers strategies to restore connection, resilience, and a love for learning.

Registration is via Compass Seminars Australia. Please click on the links below for further details and to register.

June 10th Eight Mile Plains, QLD

June 11th Sydney, NSW

June 12th Melbourne, VIC