Lina Vizelman,BAPsy, BCompSc
Co-Director of Czech & Slovak Language Programs
Co-Director of Czech & Slovak Language Programs
Predboj, Czech Republic
Faculty Intern
Course Facilitator
Lina has a BA in Psychology, a BA in Computer Science. After short experience in the Psychology field, she worked in IT for 11 years. Discovering Dr. Neufeld`s paradigm started her journey back to the field of psychology. She is currently enrolled to the Parent Consultant program in NI and is finishing her certification as Imago Relationships Therapist.
Similar to many other parents, Lina first discovered Neufeld’s approach when she was struggling to understand her highly-sensitive preschooler. The approach was eye-opening and provided the ability to see more clearly into her own soul and those around her. Lina continues to gain inspiration from parenting her two young sons and yearns to be the best possible parent to her home-schooled children. Lina provides consultations to parents who would like to improve their relationships with their partners or to be the answer for their children. She is also actively spreading information about the psychology of relationships through teaching, facilitating courses and study groups and organizing other educational activities. More information can be found on her website.
Together with her dear friend and colleague, Ksienia Majznerová Biazrukaja, and with the help of an amazing team of volunteers, in 2018 they have initiated the project Rodičovství Hrou (parenting through play) with the goal of sharing the Neufeld paradigm in their home country, Czech Republic, and in neighbouring Slovakia. Since the end of 2023, Lina and Ksienia are Co-Directors for the Czech & Slovak language programs of the Neufeld Institute, where the focus is on building a local community of Neufeld Institute students by providing them with translated resources, courses, study, and support groups in the Czech language. Their activities can be found on their website and Facebook support group.
Making Sense of Preschoolers