Facilitadora Autorizada
Mexico City, Mexico
Lucrecia is a language and learning therapist for children and adolescents. She has a master in psychobiology and cognitive neurosciences and has a master's degree in education and teaching. She has worked for thirty years with children and their families, helping them develop their full potential. Her practice allows her to work with children of different ages, parents, teachers, psychologists, principals, and other specialists.
Dr. Neufeld's developmental attachment-based approach has given invaluable theoretical and scientific foundation as a therapist, and has guided her throughout her motherhood. She graduated from the first facilitators group of the Institute’s Spanish Program. Facilitating Neufeld Model is one of her passions.
Lucrecia delivers The Vital Connection, Helping Children Grow Up, Common Challenges, Making Sense of Adolescence, Adolescence and Sexuality, Making Sense of Preschoolers, Making Sense of Discipline, Making Sense of Play, Making Sense of Aggression, Alpha Children, and Teachability.