…landscaped buildings and houses you want but this does not ensure you have a community. Community is about connections between people and it is the natural context in which children…

…will have a continuum of receptivity when it comes to each sense. Orchid children may complain the tags in their clothes are too itchy, sounds are too loud, smells are…

comes Disgust, who hovers over the levers with her upper lip curled, since it’s her job to keep “Riley from being poisoned, physically and socially.” Disgust makes her assessment and…

…adult attachments to hang onto. The challenge is children should not feel comfortable with people they do not know. Good attachment instincts will make a child shy away from people…

…how do I preserve meaning and connection in this season that seemed to become more about commerce with each passing year? But when my husband and I separated, this became…

…and jumping, shrieking and exploring, absorbed completely in the magic of our surroundings, I noticed that a brand-new project was coming to life: an elaborate sandcastle was now in the…

communicating that something is not working for them. We need to hold them close as so that they can express these emotions and thus come to a place of rest….

…Institute. I have come to depend upon Gail as a friend, a confidante, as an advisor, and a source of inspiration. I have come to depend upon her fierce independent…

…partial to sandals and flip flops – perhaps something about the saltwater smell. We have come to the place where we expect something to be destroyed when we come home…

…from frustration or the panic that comes from alarm or the obsession with pursuit, we should be asking ourselves how we could help this emotional energy come out in play…

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