for them to explore their world, without expectations or a sense of judgment to hold them back. I remember how excited I had been for my youngest daughter’s kindergarten experience:…

works best in the play or exploration mode – that is, where they have room to explore and be curious without the pressure of an outcome or performance. For a…

…interest for this to happen. In many cases this could be true. For some children the cost could be too much.  The most important reason for thinking twice before turning…

…is important to find what works for each of your children, to find what works for you. As Dr. Neufeld says, all children have their “bent.” Are they a hitter?…

Light flower

…this fact, which indeed seems to be the state of both science and society today.   Further to acknowledging its role in the unfolding of potential, to capitalize Nature is to

…do or not do (for according to Yoda, there is no try); to do everything … or nothing at all; to question everything; to be creative … or not; to

Happy New Year

…was given to him – when lost, to go back to the beginning.   We do need to have some sense of the beginning however, to return to it. That is, that…

Editor’s Note: Thanks to, and appreciation for, Dr. Neufeld, who has written our 101st editorial – a measure of maturation for the Neufeld Institute as an organization – on the…

how I can provide a safe, deep attachment to help grow my children into resilient, soft-hearted, independent people. For me, it really comes down to parenting with confidence – believing…

…natural caretakers of a child’s emotional system, to orient and guide them, to lead, to look out for, and to share one’s values. We need to hold onto the hearts…

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